5 Reasons You Need a Professional Website

If you’re a business, big or small, we’re going to be blunt with you. You MUST have a website if you want to beat the competition and thrive in your space. Today’s consumer is spending more time researching products and services online before making purchases offline (this is known as webrooming). In fact, a recent HuffPost article stated that 78% of consumers have webroomed within the past year. If you don’t have a business website, you’re missing out on the estimated $1.8 trillion in sales these customers will generate in 2017 – and that number is expected to grow even more next year. If that isn’t enough to convince you, here are five other reasons you need a professional website for your business.

Better Customer Service

Outstanding customer service is one of the best ways to create brand loyalty and generate more repeat business. Improve your company’s customer service by offering online access through a dedicated website. Whether it’s an online form, live chat or simply providing your contact information, the easier you make it for customers to reach you, the quicker you can respond to their requests or concerns. It just takes one bad customer service experience for most people to walk away from your business, but a professional website can help you keep your customers happy.

Build Credibility & Trust

As we mentioned previously, most consumers are conducting online research before purchasing items or hiring companies for services. If a potential customer can’t find your company online, it gives the impression that your business is either antiquated or shady, neither of which is good. A business website lets you share your story and educate potential customers about your expertise and skills. It’s also the perfect opportunity to convince them to trust your company.

Showcase Your Products/Services

Business websites are the perfect platform for showcasing your company’s products and/or services. This is not only important for customers, but also your sales team. It’s much easier to close a sale when you can show someone what you offer instead of telling them about it. If you’ve recently won any awards or recognitions, be sure to include those, as well. This not only helps build trust, but shows your company is a leader in its space.

Connect with New Customers

Google runs the world. Literally. If you don’t have a business website, you are missing hundreds, if not thousands, of opportunities to connect with new customers. A well-built, professional website that ranks effectively in Google search will help increase leads and build brand awareness. It’s the best way to let people who don’t even know you exist find you.

24/7 Accessibility

People could be searching for your products and/or services at any hour of any day. Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with them by not having a company website. Even when your brick and mortar store is closed, your website can still entice potential customers to do business with you by offering online appointment scheduling, customer service requests, e-commerce and more.

If your business needs new website, or would like to upgrade an existing website, contact the experts at 3D Digital and ask for a free quote. We have helped many companies, local and national, increase their online presence.

3D Digital is a full-service, digital marketing agency located in Jacksonville, FL. We offer website design and development, video production, social media management and an array of digital marketing solutions, such as display banners and AdWords. To learn more about our services, please visit 3ddigital.com/.