Web Design

March 17, 2020
Swipe Right on a Beautiful Website

In today’s time, a website does more than just relay basic information and services. A website can generate a personality for an organization. It virtually represents how a business is seen by potential customers. Designing an appealing website should be on the top of every business owner’s to-do list. According to a study done by […]

January 9, 2020
3D Digital at a Glance

The holidays are over and a new decade has finally begun! Last year was one of 3D Digital’s most successful years to date. In 2019, we were able to exceed our goals and provide outstanding service to each of our clients. While it’s our job to help our clients grow, some of the work we […]

November 20, 2019
Why It's Important to Have a Website Host and Manager

The rule every successful business owner knows is that having a company website is a necessity, not a luxury. Gone are the days where a web developer creates a site and then moves on to their next task. Nowadays, a site requires continuous maintenance to remain aesthetically relevant and to climb to the top of […]

June 4, 2019
How to Connect with Generation Z

Every generation is unique. With each new generation, their values, beliefs and standards tend to drastically differ from the others. Currently, millennials are still the talk of the town among businesses and marketers alike; however, a new generation is starting to shift the narrative. Generation Z encompasses those currently entering adulthood, and they’re bringing their […]

January 14, 2019
5 Tips to Building Your Brand in the New Year

Your brand is a direct reflection of who you are and what you stand for. Keeping it up to date is essential for creating continual growth in an always evolving consumer market. The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to make updates to your brand to ensure you’re as prepared as possible […]

December 26, 2018
Digital Trends to Look out for in 2019

Digital marketing is always evolving, meaning what’s hot right now might not be this time next year. To give yourself an advantage, you must be willing to update your strategies and adapt with the times. As the start of this new year approaches, there are specific strategies that are “on fire” in the digital marketing […]

July 30, 2018
Why a Positive UX is Important

Just about everything and everyone has its own website, app and social media page presenting consumers with endless options online. Just like in a brick-and-mortar, you want your online consumer to have a seamless experience – all the way to check out. User experience (UX) is the way that varying demographics interact with online content […]

January 24, 2018
Web Design vs Web Development

Web design vs web development – what is the difference? The lines have been blurred for some time and the number of opinions on the matter probably equals the number of fish in the sea. The good news is, that it doesn't matter. This is not the answer you're looking for when trying to find […]

October 16, 2017
What is Robots.txt?

People always ask what is robots.txt? It is simply a text file. It provides directives, or instructions, to search engine crawlers about which parts of your site may be crawled and which parts may not be crawled. By allowing search engines to crawl the content on your site, you are also allowing them to index […]

October 11, 2017
How to Choose a Web Design Company in Jacksonville

The internet is changing how many people shop and search for the information they need. According to a study conducted by Nielsen, a whopping 85 percent of consumers find local business information online. A website is a great tool for a potential consumer to have access to at just a click of a button, anytime […]