Get to the Top of the Search Bar

Climbing the search results can seem like an overwhelming challenge. There are millions of searches per second and thousands of businesses just like yours trying to get on the first page. Less than 3% of people navigate to the second page of search results, so it’s important to climb the ranks. Although the easiest path can be the paid advertising route, creating an organically optimized website is best practice to slowly make your way to the top without spending a dime.

Write Appealing Blog Content

Creating good content is the first step to building your website’s authority and high-quality linking. If you develop a fresh, relevant and engaging blog, your content will have a higher chance of being shared. Focus on the quality of the content rather than the quantity. Your blog should answer any questions that your audience may have about your products, services or industry.

Linking a website or another article inside your blog as a reference creates backlinks. The more backlinks a website has, the higher its ranking usually is.


All Links are not Created Equal

An important factor for ranking is backlinking to organically drive people to your site. Getting linked from any random website alone just won’t cut it. Links from popular websites such as the New York Times will have more of an impact to your ranking than one from an unknown site.


Use Long-Tail Keywords

Keywords are words or phrases people search for online. These words are important for streamlining your website and blog topics to your niche audience. Make a list of very specific long-tail keywords such as “modern summer sporting clothes” and then incorporate your list to your website to optimize for exactly what your audience is looking for. There’s no need to try to match with every broad topic in your market, find your niche and focus on that.


Design a High-Quality Site

Maintaining a high-quality site is an excellent way to attract users and to keep ‘em coming back. A major deterrent is a slow website, which can hurt your google ranking and bounce rate. More than 40% of internet users leave a website if it doesn’t load within three seconds. If they leave, it’s likely they’re never coming back.

A helpful tip to make your website faster is to compress your images. This will help them load quicker, improving the speed of your entire site. Google will thank you and so will your visitors! Likewise, creating a mobile version of your site is also important to increase accessibility and speed across many devices.


There are many strategies you can implement to help take your site to the top of the search results. Try one or try them all, just make sure you’re taking advantage of everything you can to get ahead of the competition.

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