When you search for any bank or credit union, you’ll find nearly the same services. Most offer checking accounts, credit cards, loan options, mortgages, and so on. With such similar services offered across the industry, how can you make your financial institution stand out?
A great place to start would be your bank or credit union’s digital marketing plan. Let’s take a look at a couple of marketing tips that can take your online presence to the next level!
What your bank or credit union’s website looks like is a crucial component for its digital marketing. In fact, about 48% of online users cited a website’s design as the number one factor for determining a business’s credibility. Having a functional and easy-to-navigate website is a necessity for attracting new members and keeping existing ones happy.
Make sure your website shows all your services in a clear manner. Check that all buttons work properly and basic information, like your address and phone numbers, can be found quickly.
Banks and credit unions can be a trove of valuable information. Utilize various website elements like search bars, drop-down menus and banner images to help organize this information. If your homepage has a banner image, consider updating it frequently to highlight new services or events for your members.
A bank or credit union would be the perfect candidate for targeted display advertising.
Using contextual targeting, an advertiser can target potential customers by displaying banner ads that are relevant to the content they are viewing. It takes into consideration the keywords on pages they’ve visited, as well as the categories of the websites themselves.
For example, a person who is viewing “financial services” or “retirement planning” would come across banner ads geared towards these keywords or categories. This person would be a great potential member for your bank or credit union because they are actively perusing services that you offer. By using targeted display ads, you are shining a spotlight directly onto yourself for new members to find.
Another digital marketing strategy is sharing customer success stories using video. Create multiple videos that highlight ways your institution has helped its members achieve their goals. Choose stories that have unique narratives but can form an emotional connection with potential members.
Examples of success stories might include a young family who bought their first home or a local business owner who borrowed money to launch. These stories show how a bank or credit union can help people overcome financial obstacles. Additionally, remember to highlight how each success was made possible through the institution’s services and personnel.
Putting together a successful, digital marketing plan for a bank or credit union is not an easy task. We recommend seeking help from a team of experts, like 3D Digital, so you can focus on providing exceptional care for your members.